Thanks everybody for the feedback.
I could then:
* create a new file (let's call it server_new.rst)
* migrate and reorganize the content
* when ready, with all your contributes, we can replace the existing
ones, splitting as appropriate.
How does it sound?
(Ale: yes, I agree, the new standalone should be added).

Il 17/04/20 14:11, David Marteau ha scritto:
> Le 17/04/2020 à 13:44, Alessandro Pasotti a écrit :
>> Should we also add the new standalone development server to the manual?
> IMHO we should document the various ways to setup a server: fcgi,
> development, python...
>> On Fri, Apr 17, 2020 at 1:23 PM Etienne Trimaille
>> <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Yes it's not easy, between what is the minimum to do, what is highly 
>>> recommended, between Apache/NGinx etc.
>>> So I think you can go ahead, we will follow your PR.
>>> I'm also keeping some notes, I will try to make a PR next week to 
>>> incorporate them.
>>> Le ven. 17 avr. 2020 à 13:17, David Marteau <> a écrit :
>>>> Hi Paolo
>>>> No problem for helping you on this task, take the lead.
>>>> David
>>>> Le 17/04/2020 à 11:17, Paolo Cavallini a écrit :
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm working ont he server section of the manual:
>>>> and I'm finding a number of inconsistencies which I'm fixing. More
>>>> generally, I find it rather confusing. I'd suggest to reorganize it by
>>>> first showing the very basic setup, with a minimal set of
>>>> configurations, and adding more sophisticated configs after that. I
>>>> found this approach very effective in our training.
>>>> Is there an agreement on that? Anyone interested in cooperating?
>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>> All the best.
>>>> --
>>>> David Marteau
>>>> Responsable Infrastructure
>>>> Tel. 06 63 02 89 83
>>>> Bureau
>>>> 31, rue de l'Argenterie
>>>> 34000 Montpellier
>>>> Siège social
>>>> 73, allée Kleber
>>>> Boulevard de Strasbourg
>>>> 34000 Montpellier
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> -- 
> David Marteau
> Responsable Infrastructure
> <>
> *Tel*. 06 63 02 89 83
> *Bureau*
> 31, rue de l'Argenterie
> 34000 Montpellier
> *Siège social*
> 73, allée Kleber
> Boulevard de Strasbourg
> 34000 Montpellier
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Paolo Cavallini - QGIS.ORG Chair
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