Hi all,


It would be wonderful!!!


Excited Waiting!


Jorge Almerio


De: QGIS-Developer [mailto:qgis-developer-boun...@lists.osgeo.org] Em nome de 
Régis Haubourg
Enviada em: Monday, May 11, 2020 5:00 AM
Para: Luigi Pirelli <lui...@gmail.com>
Cc: qgis-developer <qgis-developer@lists.osgeo.org>
Assunto: Re: [QGIS-Developer] QGIS / FreeCAD interoperability...


Hi Joel, 


Just a note on the QGIS-CAD-BIM "converging" roadmap everyone dreams about. 

What we see here is that many organisation up to now where using CAD software 
to manage city maps and assets management, where GIS - as a true database 
system - is far more accurate. 

We even see public entity allowing public grant only if data are transmitted in 
GIS exchange format in the end. So we see many CAD users switching to GIS - 
wether they like it or not. 


As a consequence, and thanks to funders who understand that free software 
allows to be active contributors, QGIS as a project is influenced a lot by CAD 
needs, at least for 2D editing.

We have some construction tools allowing to play with angles, parallels, build 
some inference temporary lines, and a lot of new shape editing tools. 

We still miss a lot of what user require, such as interactive snapping for 
instance or advanced 3D computation libraries. We also reach a point where 
geospatial standards draw a line with CAD world, for instance handling spline 
curves is at the limits. 


Concerning 3D and BIM buzz, we have a lot of questions from users, and 
sometimes even from national mapping agencies. And up to now, 3D plans for QGIS 
are focused on viewing datasets mainly.

We miss a lot 3D editing capabilities and FreeCAD is in my opinion the best 
candidate to provide an open source solution for this. 


The first bridge would be to ensure that FreeCAD deals with the main 
interchange standards to be able to edit BIM data. That would probably be 
cityGML and all the standards supported by the OGC, plus the main de facto 
standards like STL. I think we already have a challenge here to deals with 
those large datasets in reading and editing.  


FreeCad being able to edit those, we could already answer to the 100% open 
source BIM use case. Then an interoperability at API level between FreeCad and 
QGIS to easily open a dataset or a specific feature in QGIS<>Freecad would rock!

I would love as a user be able to view my city in 2D or 3D with QGIS, click on 
a building, open it in FreeCAD, update it, go back to QGIS, refresh, done.


Hope it helps


Best regards





Le dim. 10 mai 2020 à 23:24, Luigi Pirelli <lui...@gmail.com 
<mailto:lui...@gmail.com> > a écrit :

Hi Joel


Since years ago a lot of new features can support a better integration. I did a 
rough investigation about integration and stopped due to the fact that data 
model were (or is) too different to imagine an integration.
BTW probably now is more simple (at least from the qgis point of view) thanks 
to the possibility to bridge different data models using a python data provider 
[1] [2].

I would give a try/look.




Luigi Pirelli

[1] https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Enhancement-Proposals/issues/122

[2] https://www.itopen.it/qgis-vector-data-provider-python/

* LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luigipirelli
* Stackexchange: http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/19667/luigi-pirelli
* GitHub: https://github.com/luipir
* Book: Mastering QGIS3 - 3rd Edition 

* Hire a team: http://www.qcooperative.net



On Sat, 9 May 2020 at 05:26, Joel Graff <monograf...@gmail.com 
<mailto:monograf...@gmail.com> > wrote:

I've been a part of the FreeCAD project for the last three years or so, 
focusing on developing Civil Engineering-related functions (specifically, 
transportation engineering).  On occasion, discussions emerge regarding GIS 
integration into FreeCAD, QGIS being the natural go-to.

Recently, the GIS thread on the FreeCAD forum pointed to a github issue on the 
QGIS repo about FreeCAD integration.  It was closed in late April, citing the 
developer's mailing list as the place to continue the discussion.

I cite the URL below as it contains links to relevant threads on the FreeCAD 



The issue was five years old and not much discussion has happened.  Admittedly, 
I think it's one of those "seems like a good idea, but what can we really do 
with it?" kind of things.

I'm not really posting here to start a discussion on any particular topic or 
advocate for any sort of development effort.  I'm merely bringing it to the 
developer mailing list to give it the proper exposure.

That said, I should also mention that I and one other transportation 
engineering professional are actively working on developing transportation 
engineering tools for FreeCAD, specifically geomatic (survey) and highway 
alignment design tools at the moment.

Joel Graff, P.E.


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joelcgraff


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