It works fine for me too, thanks Alessandro!

> This works fine for me:
> md = QgsProviderRegistry.instance().providerMetadata('ogr')
> conn = md.createConnection('/tmp/test_no_geometry.gpkg', {})
> conn.createVectorTable('', 'my_table', QgsFields(),
> QgsWkbTypes.NoGeometry, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(), True, {})
> layer = QgsVectorLayer('/tmp/test_no_geometry.gpkg', 'pg', 'ogr')
> layer.isValid() --> True
> layer.geometryType() --> 4 == NullGeometry
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 5:28 PM Julien Cabieces
> <> wrote:
>> Thanks Alessandro and Even for your replies,
>> I try your suggestions but I still get the error. I opened an issue 
>> Kind regards,
>> Julien
>> > On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 2:57 PM Julien Cabieces
>> > <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Hi alls,
>> >>
>> >> I was looking to create an empty GPKG layer and try the solution Even 
>> >> provide, but
>> >> it creates an invalid file.
>> >>
>> >> fields=QgsFields()
>> >> fields.append(QgsField("note", QVariant.Double))
>> >> QgsVectorFileWriter.create("/tmp/test.gpkg", fields, 
>> >> QgsWkbTypes.MultiLineString, QgsProject.instance().crs(), 
>> >> QgsCoordinateTransformContext(), QgsVectorFileWriter.SaveVectorOptions())
>> >>
>> >> I try also:
>> >> lyr = "mylayer"
>> >> QgsVectorFileWriter.create("/tmp/again.gpkg", fields, 
>> >> QgsWkbTypes.MultiLineString, QgsProject.instance().crs(), 
>> >> QgsCoordinateTransformContext(), QgsVectorFileWriter.SaveVectorOptions(), 
>> >> QgsFeatureSink.SinkFlags(), None, lyr)
>> >>
>> >> It looks like there is no layer in the produced GPKG. Is it an issue, or 
>> >> am I misunderstanding the use of QgsVectorFileWriter?
>> >
>> > Hi Julien,
>> >
>> > I believe you need to add at least one feature to trigger the layer
>> > creation (through QgsVectorFileWriter/GDAL).
>> >
>> > You may try QgsAbstractDatabaseProviderConnection::createVectorTable
>> > or QgsProviderRegistry::createEmptyLayer (they both use the same
>> > provider's code)..
>> >
>> > Hope it helps.

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