Hi devs,


I still can not get the triangular mesh from a Mesh Layer using Qgis version

The triangularMesh() attribute is present in the API documentation


But I get an Error:

AttributeError: 'QgsMeshLayer' object has no attribute 'triangularMesh'



Is it possible to return the triangular mesh? I would like to use the
triangular mesh for make an exact profile/cross section from the mesh using
a polyline. The others plugins, like Crayfish and Profile tools does this
profile using a defined interval offset, so it's accuracy depends on this


My code below returns

AttributeError: 'QgsMeshLayer' object has no attribute 'triangularMesh'


proj = QgsProject.instance()

mdtLyr = proj.mapLayersByName("RA04_Surface")[0]


triang = mdtLyr.triangularMesh()


Best regards,


Jorge Almerio

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