I created: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues/39385
Feel free to add info or comments.

And assigned it to self.



On 10/14/20 3:42 PM, Richard Duivenvoorde wrote:
> Hi,
> Whenever I click on a (vector) feature from a table with say 6 columns, QGIS 
> presents me a treview in the 'Identify Results' panel which shows me (for 
> every feature) these blocks 'Derived' and 'Actions'.
> When I click in a 'crowded place' in which a lot of features are returned, I 
> can open all leaves in the tree(view) but then my sight is pretty polluted by 
> all this (to me very not interesting) facts about where I clicked and to see 
> that I have one (View feature form) Action (I never use).
> Are others 'seeing' this also as an usability issue?
> Or am I missing a setting somewhere?
> Would it be an idea (feature request) to maybe add an option (like the 
> checkbox in the little tool-button menu there), with an option "Hide Derived 
> and Actions"?
> Or am I the only one which does never used this xtra info?
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
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