
I wrote about this a few days ago in the user list but I still have the problem and can find neither a cause nor a solution. I thus post it in this list in the hope that some developer may have a hint on what is going wrong here.

In my installation the Voronoi Polygon tool is missing from the Processing menu, both from the bar (vector geometry dialog) and the processing panel. It is also not listed in the Python console (see below whole listing).

But, the code seems to be present in the /usr/local/share... folder, where other plugins live as well:

localhost:/usr/local # find ./share -name *oronoi*

I compile QGIS from source, things have gone smoothly every time and I cannot see any obvious particular problem. I have tested with master a couple of weeks ago, then 3.18.0 a couple of days ago, and moments ago with 3.16.4 (after wiping all traces of previous installations) but the problem persists.

Anyone has seen this? What could possibly be wrong here?

Thanks in advance,


- - - - -

from qgis import processing
for alg in QgsApplication.processingRegistry().algorithms():
    print(alg.id(), "->", alg.displayName())

native:addautoincrementalfield -> Add autoincremental field
native:addfieldtoattributestable -> Add field to attributes table
native:adduniquevalueindexfield -> Add unique value index field
native:addxyfields -> Add X/Y fields to layer
native:affinetransform -> Affine transform
native:aggregate -> Aggregate
native:angletonearest -> Align points to features
native:antimeridiansplit -> Geodesic line split at antimeridian
native:arrayoffsetlines -> Array of offset (parallel) lines
native:arraytranslatedfeatures -> Array of translated features
native:aspect -> Aspect
native:assignprojection -> Assign projection
native:atlaslayouttoimage -> Export atlas layout as image
native:atlaslayouttopdf -> Export atlas layout as PDF
native:bookmarkstolayer -> Convert spatial bookmarks to layer
native:boundary -> Boundary
native:boundingboxes -> Bounding boxes
native:buffer -> Buffer
native:bufferbym -> Variable width buffer (by M value)
native:calculatevectoroverlaps -> Overlap analysis
native:categorizeusingstyle -> Create categorized renderer from styles
native:cellstatistics -> Cell statistics
native:centroids -> Centroids
native:clip -> Clip
native:collect -> Collect geometries
native:combinestyles -> Combine style databases
native:condition -> Conditional branch
native:converttocurves -> Convert to curved geometries
native:convexhull -> Convex hull
native:countpointsinpolygon -> Count points in polygon
native:createattributeindex -> Create attribute index
native:createconstantrasterlayer -> Create constant raster layer
native:createdirectory -> Create directory
native:creategrid -> Create grid
native:createpointslayerfromtable -> Create points layer from table
native:createrandombinomialrasterlayer -> Create random raster layer (binomial distribution) native:createrandomexponentialrasterlayer -> Create random raster layer (exponential distribution) native:createrandomgammarasterlayer -> Create random raster layer (gamma distribution) native:createrandomgeometricrasterlayer -> Create random raster layer (geometric distribution) native:createrandomnegativebinomialrasterlayer -> Create random raster layer (negative binomial distribution) native:createrandomnormalrasterlayer -> Create random raster layer (normal distribution) native:createrandompoissonrasterlayer -> Create random raster layer (poisson distribution) native:createrandomuniformrasterlayer -> Create random raster layer (uniform distribution)
native:createspatialindex -> Create spatial index
native:dbscanclustering -> DBSCAN clustering
native:deleteduplicategeometries -> Delete duplicate geometries
native:deleteholes -> Delete holes
native:densifygeometries -> Densify by count
native:densifygeometriesgivenaninterval -> Densify by interval
native:detectvectorchanges -> Detect dataset changes
native:difference -> Difference
native:dissolve -> Dissolve
native:dropgeometries -> Drop geometries
native:dropmzvalues -> Drop M/Z values
native:equaltofrequency -> Equal to frequency
native:explodehstorefield -> Explode HStore Field
native:explodelines -> Explode lines
native:extendlines -> Extend lines
native:extenttolayer -> Create layer from extent
native:extractbinary -> Extract binary field
native:extractbyattribute -> Extract by attribute
native:extractbyexpression -> Extract by expression
native:extractbyextent -> Extract/clip by extent
native:extractbylocation -> Extract by location
native:extractmvalues -> Extract M values
native:extractspecificvertices -> Extract specific vertices
native:extractvertices -> Extract vertices
native:extractzvalues -> Extract Z values
native:fieldcalculator -> Field calculator
native:filedownloader -> Download file
native:fillnodata -> Fill NoData cells
native:filter -> Feature filter
native:filterbygeometry -> Filter by geometry type
native:filterlayersbytype -> Filter layers by type
native:filterverticesbym -> Filter vertices by M value
native:filterverticesbyz -> Filter vertices by Z value
native:fixgeometries -> Fix geometries
native:flattenrelationships -> Flatten relationship
native:forcerhr -> Force right-hand-rule
native:fuzzifyrastergaussianmembership -> Fuzzify raster (gaussian membership)
native:fuzzifyrasterlargemembership -> Fuzzify raster (large membership)
native:fuzzifyrasterlinearmembership -> Fuzzify raster (linear membership)
native:fuzzifyrasternearmembership -> Fuzzify raster (near membership)
native:fuzzifyrasterpowermembership -> Fuzzify raster (power membership)
native:fuzzifyrastersmallmembership -> Fuzzify raster (small membership)
native:generatepointspixelcentroidsinsidepolygons -> Generate points (pixel centroids) inside polygons
native:geometrybyexpression -> Geometry by expression
native:greaterthanfrequency -> Greater than frequency
native:highestpositioninrasterstack -> Highest position in raster stack
native:hillshade -> Hillshade
native:hublines -> Join by lines (hub lines)
native:importphotos -> Import geotagged photos
native:interpolatepoint -> Interpolate point on line
native:intersection -> Intersection
native:joinattributesbylocation -> Join attributes by location
native:joinattributestable -> Join attributes by field value
native:joinbynearest -> Join attributes by nearest
native:kmeansclustering -> K-means clustering
native:layertobookmarks -> Convert layer to spatial bookmarks
native:lessthanfrequency -> Less than frequency
native:linedensity -> Line density
native:lineintersections -> Line intersections
native:linesubstring -> Line substring
native:loadlayer -> Load layer into project
native:lowestpositioninrasterstack -> Lowest position in raster stack
native:meancoordinates -> Mean coordinate(s)
native:mergelines -> Merge lines
native:mergevectorlayers -> Merge vector layers
native:minimumenclosingcircle -> Minimum enclosing circles
native:multiparttosingleparts -> Multipart to singleparts
native:multiringconstantbuffer -> Multi-ring buffer (constant distance)
native:nearestneighbouranalysis -> Nearest neighbour analysis
native:offsetline -> Offset lines
native:orderbyexpression -> Order by expression
native:orientedminimumboundingbox -> Oriented minimum bounding box
native:orthogonalize -> Orthogonalize
native:package -> Package layers
native:pixelstopoints -> Raster pixels to points
native:pixelstopolygons -> Raster pixels to polygons
native:pointonsurface -> Point on surface
native:pointsalonglines -> Points along geometry
native:pointtolayer -> Create layer from point
native:poleofinaccessibility -> Pole of inaccessibility
native:polygonfromlayerextent -> Extract layer extent
native:polygonize -> Polygonize
native:polygonstolines -> Polygons to lines
native:postgisexecutesql -> PostgreSQL execute SQL
native:printlayoutmapextenttolayer -> Print layout map extent to layer
native:printlayouttoimage -> Export print layout as image
native:printlayouttopdf -> Export print layout as PDF
native:projectpointcartesian -> Project points (Cartesian)
native:promotetomulti -> Promote to multipart
native:raiseexception -> Raise exception
native:raisewarning -> Raise warning
native:randomextract -> Random extract
native:randompointsinextent -> Random points in extent
native:randompointsinpolygons -> Random points in polygons
native:randompointsonlines -> Random points on lines
native:rasterbooleanand -> Raster boolean AND
native:rasterize -> Convert map to raster
native:rasterlayerstatistics -> Raster layer statistics
native:rasterlayeruniquevaluesreport -> Raster layer unique values report
native:rasterlayerzonalstats -> Raster layer zonal statistics
native:rasterlogicalor -> Raster boolean OR
native:rastersampling -> Sample raster values
native:rastersurfacevolume -> Raster surface volume
native:reclassifybylayer -> Reclassify by layer
native:reclassifybytable -> Reclassify by table
native:rectanglesovalsdiamonds -> Rectangles, ovals, diamonds
native:refactorfields -> Refactor fields
native:removeduplicatesbyattribute -> Delete duplicates by attribute
native:removeduplicatevertices -> Remove duplicate vertices
native:removenullgeometries -> Remove null geometries
native:renamelayer -> Rename layer
native:renametablefield -> Rename field
native:repairshapefile -> Repair Shapefile
native:reprojectlayer -> Reproject layer
native:rescaleraster -> Rescale raster
native:reverselinedirection -> Reverse line direction
native:rotatefeatures -> Rotate
native:roundrastervalues -> Round raster
native:ruggednessindex -> Ruggedness index
native:savefeatures -> Save vector features to file
native:savelog -> Save log to file
native:saveselectedfeatures -> Extract selected features
native:segmentizebymaxangle -> Segmentize by maximum angle
native:segmentizebymaxdistance -> Segmentize by maximum distance
native:selectbylocation -> Select by location
native:serviceareafromlayer -> Service area (from layer)
native:serviceareafrompoint -> Service area (from point)
native:setlayerencoding -> Set layer encoding
native:setlayerstyle -> Set layer style
native:setmfromraster -> Set M value from raster
native:setmvalue -> Set M value
native:setprojectvariable -> Set project variable
native:setzfromraster -> Drape (set Z value from raster)
native:setzvalue -> Set Z value
native:shortestpathlayertopoint -> Shortest path (layer to point)
native:shortestpathpointtolayer -> Shortest path (point to layer)
native:shortestpathpointtopoint -> Shortest path (point to point)
native:shpencodinginfo -> Extract Shapefile encoding
native:simplifygeometries -> Simplify
native:singlesidedbuffer -> Single sided buffer
native:slope -> Slope
native:smoothgeometry -> Smooth
native:snapgeometries -> Snap geometries to layer
native:snappointstogrid -> Snap points to grid
native:spatialiteexecutesql -> SpatiaLite execute SQL
native:spatialiteexecutesqlregistered -> SpatiaLite execute SQL (registered DB)
native:splitfeaturesbycharacter -> Split features by character
native:splitlinesbylength -> Split lines by maximum length
native:splitvectorlayer -> Split vector layer
native:splitwithlines -> Split with lines
native:stringconcatenation -> String concatenation
native:stylefromproject -> Create style database from project
native:subdivide -> Subdivide
native:sumlinelengths -> Sum line lengths
native:swapxy -> Swap X and Y coordinates
native:symmetricaldifference -> Symmetrical difference
native:taperedbuffer -> Tapered buffers
native:tinmeshcreation -> TIN Mesh Creation
native:transect -> Transect
native:translategeometry -> Translate
native:truncatetable -> Truncate table
native:union -> Union
native:wedgebuffers -> Create wedge buffers
native:writevectortiles_mbtiles -> Write Vector Tiles (MBTiles)
native:writevectortiles_xyz -> Write Vector Tiles (XYZ)
native:zonalhistogram -> Zonal histogram
native:zonalstatistics -> Zonal statistics
native:zonalstatisticsfb -> Zonal statistics

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