Hello QGIS Dev,

I’m Francesco Bursi, an M.Sc. civil engineer from Italy currently enrolled in a 
Master of Advanced Studies (Level 8 EQF) in giscience and geoinformatics at the 
University of Padua.

I’m really interested in the QGIS (possible) new rendering feature that 
involves raster calculator capabilities, I've already discussed the project 
with mentors Martin Tobias and Peter Petrik and possible co-mentor Roberto 
Marzocchi,  they gave me a lot of feedback and advice for the project.
I would like to share my proposal with you before the final submission. Don't 
hesitate to give me feedback and ask me question/clarification or point me out 
what's missing.


I'm open to advice, remarks and criticism in order to improve.

I am looking forward to a feedback, thank you for your time.

Best regards,

Francesco Bursi

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