
Thanks for your reply.

My answers:

Le ven. 16 juil. 2021 à 14:30, <jorgealme...@yahoo.com.br> a écrit :

> Hi, Michael,
> Congratulations for the script!


> These days I was looking for a script to list layers from Qgis projects
> with their respective sources (pathfile) and other info like, layer name,
> Invalid pathfile. I would be better if it is possible to do without really
> open the Qgis project file in Qgis.
> I think this script you created do this, If am not wrong, but I did not
> figure out how to list layers from projects.

I have not listed all the layers and sources in the output, because it
could be huge (some users have 200 layers in their projects....).
I created the plugin "Layer Board" some time ago, which you can use inside
QGIS Desktop, to get a list of layers with their properties (name, title,
datasource, CRS, feature count, etc.). It can export this data to CSV too.
But you have to open the QGIS project.

The processing script "Audit QGIS projects" has not yet this capabilities.
We could think of a new checkbox "Gather all the layers information", which
would create one CSV file per QGIS project (or huge CSV file with all the
layers of all the projects...).

> I use Windows and Qgis 3.18. Do I have to install anything else?

Not really, I think. I have not tried it under Windows...

> I got a CSV file like this:
> "
> *path,basename,last_modified,crs,layer_count,invalid_layer_count,print_layout_count,print_layout_pictures_paths,print_layout_pictures_sizes,print_layout_pictures_total_size,print_layout_pictures_total_size_mb,trust_option_active,last_save_version*
> *C:\Users\jorgealmerio\Documents\Mandu.qgz, Mandu,2021-07-15
> 16:46:55,EPSG:31984,126,5,1,,,0,0.0,False,31802*
> *C:\Users\jorgealmerio\Documents\Mandu2.qgz, Mandu2,2021-07-16
> 16:46:55,EPSG:31984,126,5,1,,,0,0.0,False,31802*
> "

This seems to be a correct output.

> Another thing, there are unnecessary blank lines in result CSV file.

Hum, bizarre... Do you see all the projects which should be there, ie which
are present in the directory(ies) but not listed in the output CSV file ?

> Regards,

Cheers !
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