Hi Zsolt,

This code adds a button to the layout toolbar. I don't know of a way to add things to the layout menu as well.

def designer_opened(designer):
    tb = designer.actionsToolbar()
    action = QAction('Push me!', parent=designer)


By the way, you can add a grid to your layout map item and show coordinates. There a quite many options. Have you looked into that?

Hope this helps,

On 25-09-2021 08:04, Gal Zsolt wrote:
Hello List!

I like to write a plugin to add map corner coordinates as label to the layout.

I write a python script wich do this.
I make a plugin where I  add a menu item to the Qgis main interface. Work. This solution is ugly: I select a menu item to make on action on other window (Layout designer window wiht may layout)!

Now I like to add a menu item to edit menu in the *LayoutDesignerInterface?*.

Reading the Python Api documentation and the Cookbook I don't understand how to make this.
Can someone help me where to find additional documentation about this?
I Google it without success.

Thanks in advance for any help!


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