I'm writing to support this viewpoint.

I use the XYZ tiles functions in the processing toolbox quite extensively and am aware of certain issues in them.

I understood these were written originally in Python as old versions of them as such can be found on Github.

Somewhere down the track it is likely I would either start looking at these issues and how to correct them, the alternative is to switch to a different rendering platform.

I will not be interested in doing this if it cannot be done in Python as the differences between the Python development environment and the C one are massive.

On 5/10/21 1:26 am, matteo wrote:
Hi devs,

recently I've made a PR to add an algorithm to the core, written in python:


from the comments I get that from now on additional algorithms are accepted only in C++ and not in python anymore.

Is this an official statement?

My super personal opinion: while I perfectly understand devs position on C++, I think we might miss some useful contributions from python only devs (like me :) ) and we lack of a "straight" way to add useful algorithms to QGIS.

I see 2 options:

* development of Processing plugins with algorithms that can lead to many plugins and difficulties to find them * have a "straight" way to add additional algorithms to QGIS, like the "Download scripts from collections" of QGIS 2

What is a general opinion about this topic?

Cheers and thanks

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