+1 To everything Bo Victor says, thanks for covering everything I wanted to say!

In training / education / teaching (in my experience) materials are usually written for the latest LTR versions, so they don't need to be updated too frequently.

Best wishes,

On 16/11/2021 11:00, Bo Victor Thomsen wrote:

Hi all -

I have a few comments  regarding the possible removal of the "QGIS LTR versions" ( as one of the original proponents for having a LTR version ) :

  * The LTR version is the version that almost /all/ QGIS-using
    /organisations/ in Denmark is using. That means 40 - 50 % of all
    municipalities, regions (counties) and a number of state
    departments. And a lot of private companies too.  They use it
    mostly in conjunction with some kind of "Web GIS" and have QGIS
    for the hard and complex stuff. This market penetration is on par
    with ESRI and better than MapInfo. As a treasurer of the QGIS
    Denmark User group I've registered 85 Danish organisational
    members out of 260 members. And this number is growing. So there
    is a large and growing number of QGIS users, that prefer the  LTR
    version (actually the vast majority if you count the individual
    users in the organisations) .
    The yearly fee from these organisational members is in large part
    the reason why QGIS Denmark has a Gold sponsorship of QGIS.

    I don't know about other countries, but I /guess, /that
    preferences in organisations is roughly the same: They prefer
    stability and as few errors as possible. And thirdly new glitzy

  * I we ditch the LTR versions,  I fear that an old nemesis will
    resurface: That there is not /any /version of QGIS that is really
    stable:  A small irritating bug in ver. x will be solved in ver.
    x+1. However ver. x+1 contains another small irritating bug, that
    will be solved in version x+2 ....

    I know that the development process for QGIS has evolved
    tremendously the last couple of years. However, I still remember
    the "bad old days" with "no responsibility" for killing bugs in
    existing code caused by introduction of new code.

  * In my experience, the 1 - year period for LTR is the shortest
    period acceptable for organisations. They don't want to repackage
    QGIS every 6 months and certainly not every 4 months. You might
    even let the period be 1.5- 2 years instead of 1 year.

  * The quagmire of ver. 3.16... Isn't it a combination of a
    relatively old version of QGIS fine tuned to a set of support
    libraries, where the support libraries gets upgraded "an masse"
    because OsGeo4W gets upgraded from v1 to v2.; SIP gets upgraded
    from v4 to v6. And the proj library goes through several upgrades
    from v4 to v8 ? I my perspective that's a receipt for "The perfect
    storm". If it can't be fixed, then freeze it at 3.16.11 and
    fast-promote ver. 3.22 as LTR, perhaps with a big warning sign on it.
    This it not a critique of the upgrade process. Every piece of
    software, including supporting libraries has to be upgraded from
    time to time. However I count 3 major upgrades of libraries on the
    same time
    NB! Just read Jürgen's posting on ver. 3.16.14 being released on 
    friday. If it works, then that's solves the ver. 3.16 issues for me.

  * I know, bug squashing is nobody's favourite programming
    discipline. Especially if you not are paid for doing it. Hence the
    need for bug squashin by payment. So what about trying to reach
    out to the large (or small) sponsors and ask them if they could
    put some extra coins in the pot earmarked for LTR ? I can't solely
    speak for QGIS Denmark User group, but I would certainly discuss
    this problem with other members of the board and eventually the
    general assembly. And we have some contacts with the other QGIS
    usergroups i Scandinavia. The Swiss usergroup could for example
    talk with the german usergroup (I know the problem is not based on
    language, but sometimes it's easier to promote an idea with people
    talking roughly the same language)

    So how much money are we talking about ?

Whatever that's decided regarding the LTR, I personally still will be a staunch supporter of QGIS. But please don't throw the baby out with the bathwater without due consideration and without trying alternative solutions.

Med venlig hilsen / Kind regards

Bo Victor Thomsen
Den 16-11-2021 kl. 09:22 skrev Alessandro Pasotti:

On Tue, Nov 16, 2021 at 8:50 AM Marco Bernasocchi <ma...@qgis.org> wrote:

    Hi Anita, Hi Nyall, Hi All
    I think that it is a good idea to allocate the first half hour
    (and more if needed) in tonight's budget meeting to this very
    pressing subject.
    Nyall, thanks a lot for your analysis, we'll use it as discussion

    I extended the meeting invitation from 18:00 to 19:30.

    See you later


thinking about how to possibly prevent this to happen again I think that the manual testing cycles as proposed with https://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/qgis-psc/2020-December/009186.html could help in identifying biggest issues before a release.

I think we should consider the possibility of investing in that direction.

Kind regards.

Alessandro Pasotti
QCooperative: www.qcooperative.net <https://www.qcooperative.net>
ItOpen: www.itopen.it <http://www.itopen.it>

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