I recently released the Density Analysis plugin and today I had a new
update that provides a polygon raster density analysis algorithm along with
a processing algorithm to style the raster with a heatmap.


I have a very narrow window in which I can make updates to this plugin. It
meets my needs, but perhaps you might see something I have missed. I am
being reassigned from QGIS development to other projects. Unfortunately, a
certain company, who shall not be named, has ultimately prevailed even
though it is really expensive and QGIS free. I will be allowed to fix bugs
in my plugins, but no new development.

If anyone has any comments or would like something done a little
differently with the Density Analysis plugin please let me know now. Next
month, unless it is a bug, I won't be allowed to make any changes.

It has been a pleasure working with the QGIS community. You are all great.
I will miss being able to spend full time working with QGIS. Hopefully, my
contributions have provided you with some useful tools.


I wish you all the very best!

C Hamilton
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