Hello Andrea,
Sorry for the delay as it has been a busy Sunday with several commitments.
I've been trying to implement your proposed solution using different
approaches but still unsucessfully (even after trying different
combinations). From several posts, a potential syntax would be something
variable1 = self.iface.mainWindow().statusBar().styleSheet()
variable1.setstyleSheet("background-color: black;")
However, this is not effective and 'variable' is returning
QStatusBar::item{border: none;}, which I'm unsure how to intepret or how to
define the variable so that setstyleSheet can be applied.
I also tried a more simplified version (following the suggestion at

setstyleSheet("background-color: black;")
However, it returns 'setstyleSheet' is not defined so it doesn't seem to
take setstyleSheet w/o an assignment. Do you have any suggestion on how you
would proceed?
P.S. My apologies for the previous reply (it didn't go as anticipated)
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