Hi all,

I would like to raise once more the question of the Docker images we are
pushing on Docker hub, and considered by many users as official.

They are built here:

There are a few issues regarding this, here is a NON exhaustive list:
* the images are not optimized, a lot of build env artifacts remain
* they are a pain to maintain (update the job at each new version,
synchronize any new cmake option change, …)
* if it fails, PyQGIS docs are not built
* it uses cache (which we miss a lot in GH workflows at the moment)
* and for a bit of green-washing, it will avoid compiling something already
compiled and ready to used (as debian packages)

At OPENGIS.ch, we have set a very simple automated build of QGIS Docker
images simply based on the debian packages:

We would like to propose to move this work to the official QGIS repo and
rely on this to publish docker images on Dockerhub.

+ Less work to maintain (also, the deps image will not be anymore a
requirement for this)
+ Better images
+/- Separate images for server, desktop
- We'll rely on nightlies to publish master image (meaning potentially a
few days delay, potentially for PyQGIS)
- We won't maintain anymore a Dockerfile used to build QGIS

Please let me know your thoughts.
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