Hi all,

> Colin Sare-Soar colin.saresoar at terrashape.co.uk
> Fri Jan 12 19:21:21 PST 2024
> I cannot see the point numbers or any info. The table is blank.

This is due to the fact the the .dbf sidecar file which stores the fields names and values has not been provided or has not been created at all.

> Il 12/01/2024 17:11, Aurélie Tisson (BastaPrint) via QGIS-Developer ha scritto:
If my viewing area includes the point 1612, I see all the points, well aligned, but I cannot click points 1613 and further. If I zoom in, or if I move the area and the point 1612 is out of the area, I see nothing anymore.

It looks like this issue is due to the fact that the extent stored in the .shp and in the .shx files is incorrect.

As you can see in the Layer Properties / Information dialog window, the extent stored for such layer is:

645765.5000000000000000,6860847.0000000000000000 :

The points with Feature ID from 0 to 34 and from 1613 to 2000 are outside such extent.

As suggested by Richard, just exporting the layer in a new ESRI Shapefile layer will write the right extent in the .shp and .shx files and the issue will not occur using the new layer.

While I guess there is an issue in the code used to create the ESRI Shapefile layer, which not correctly updates the extent of the created layer, I also see some issue in QGIS itself and or in the GDAL/OGR library:

- QGIS should be less strict and also display the features outside the stored extent and or warn the user about the incorrect extent - the "Updade extent" functionality in the Layer Properties / Source dialog window seems not working, at least for ESRI Shapefile layers - the "Repair Shapefile" processing algorithm (based on GDAL/OGR functionality) doesn't repair the incorrect extent stored in the .shx file.

Best regards.

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