I’m not sure if I would want this marketplace being hosted by QGIS itself and being access through the current Plugin Manager. I prefer the idea of QGIS being clearly free… but at the same time maybe it’s not that bad if there is a mix of free and paid plugin at the same place, as long as it’s very easy filter. The obvious benefit of a marketplace hosted by QGIS is that a small commission could collected as Tim suggested. With a separate entity managing paid plugins, there is no way for QGIS.org to systematically receive a small donation as Sebastian explained with the way it works with Blender.

A viable external market place would at some point need to use the QGIS trademark (in their domain name, etc), so they would have to talk with QGIS.org first to see at which condition QGIS.org accepts they use its trademark. That condition could be to subscribe to a annual sustainable membership + a commission per plugin

My software is free, but my time generally not.
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