Hi Mike,

well, this is questionnable. One could just add columns during the session and save the table in another provider.

This should probably be only a soft warning and not something blocking those features.

Please feel free to open an issue with the tag "feature request". Implementation though will not appear by magic (sometimes it does though, we have some magic elves), feature are usually funded by users having this on their critical path.

Best regards


On 04/03/2024 16:14, Elstermann, Mike via QGIS-Developer wrote:
Hello everyone,
I have noticed the following: if I have read and write access (DML) to a 
PostgreSQL table, but no access to structure changes (DDL), then I can, for 
example, add new columns with the field calculator and fill them with results. 
Everything seems to run normally, I do not get a warning that I am not allowed 
to change the structure, the results generated in the field calculator are OK. 
After saving, all new columns including the data are gone. Can a corresponding 
preliminary check with warning be added here please?

If a new column is explicitly added, a message appears whose content does not 
match the situation.
"Could not add field 'Test' of type 'text'. Is the field name unique?“
A warning regarding missing authorizations for DB structure changes would be 

As far as I know, there is no QGIS ticket or change 
request(https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/issues) to improve the user guidance for 
these two cases.

There are currently two relevant sections in the error 

         <location filename="../src/app/qgsattributetabledialog.cpp" 
         <source>Failed to add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name 
         <translation>Could not add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name 
         <location filename="../src/gui/vector/qgssourcefieldsproperties.cpp" 
         <source>Failed to add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name 
         <translation>Could not add field '%1' of type '%2'. Is the field name 

Many thanks in advance.
Mike Elstermann

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