Una richiesta di un piccolo aiuto, mi pare interessante. Saluti.
-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Help with GeoPriv plugin project Date: Sat, 18 May 2019 20:22:32 -0500 From: Juan Pablo Duque Ordoñez <pjdu...@uninorte.edu.co> To: cavall...@faunalia.it Hello Paolo, My name is Juan Pablo Duque, I'm a computer science student in Colombia and for my bachelor degree final project me and a partner developed a QGIS Plugin: GeoPriv. You already have approved the plugin to be in the plugin repository but now, for the class, we need people to do a usability survey to show results about the impact of the project and to prove that the plugin is a real contribution. We need you to help us, since here in our university very few students and teachers use QGIS and we need to have more survey responses. If you can make the survey and also distribute it with your colleges we would be thankful. The home page for a little tutorial on how to use the plugin is in the homepage https://diuke.github.io <https://diuke.github.io/> . Also the survey is in this link http://geopriv.questionpro.com/ Make sure to download the latest version. I will be waiting for your response and any questions you have. Also all the feedback you can give us is very helpful. I enjoyed a lot working in this project and with QGIS and I deeply want to contribute and make a good tool for geoprivacy. P.S: Sorry for the hour, is only 8:00pm in Colombia. Best Regards, Juan Pablo Duque -- _*Juan Pablo Duque Ordóñez*_ Estudiante Ingeniería de Sistemas y Computación Universidad del Norte Presidente Universidad del Norte ACM Student Chapter /Este correo no representa opinión o consentimiento oficial de la Universidad del Norte, por lo que esta no adquiere ninguna responsabilidad por su contenido, salvo en el caso de funcionarios en ejercicio de atribuciones reglamentarias. Puede provenir de una cuenta ofrecida a funcionarios o estudiantes, como parte del ejercicio educativo, evento en el cual tanto el mensaje como sus anexos son estrictamente confidenciales. Ha sido analizado con software antivirus; no obstante, no se garantiza que sea seguro o no contenga errores o virus, por lo que la Universidad del Norte no se hace responsable de su transmisión./ _______________________________________________ QGIS-it-user mailing list QGIS-it-user@lists.osgeo.org https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/qgis-it-user