Gary Sherman wrote:
On Feb 19, 2008, at 1:45 AM, Micha Silver wrote:
The layers in a qgis project are exported to the *.map file in the same order that they appear in the qgis table of contents. In qgis (like most desktop gis apps) the top layer in the TOC also appears "on top" of the other layers. But in mapserver it's reversed: the layers are pushed into the graphics file in the order they appear in the *.map file, so the bottom most layer displays "on top" of all the others. Would it be possible to write the layers into the *map file in reverse?

What version of QGIS are you using? I'm not seeing the reverse problem with the current exporter.

Yes, indeed, the new exporter plugin in 0.9.2 does it right.
I was talking about 0.8.x (and the mapserver export menu option in the 0.9.x versions on windows didn't seem to work at all).
Thanks for getting back to me.
Gary Sherman
Chair, QGIS Project Steering Committee
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Micha Silver
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