Jean-Claude Repetto wrote:

Please read this thread on the PROJ.4 ML :

This is Frank Warmerdam's answer :
 > The problem is that if EPSG offers more than one transformation to
 > WGS84 for a datum, the automated translation gives up and offers none
 > of them preferring for the user to make the decision themselves.

I think it would be better to create the srs.db database directly from the EPSG database.

Hi Jean-Claude,
if I read that nabble-thread, my conclusion is: it's at this moment not possible to do a 1to1 translation for the EPSG-db to srs.db because of the simple fact that one epsg can have more set's of parameters which are 'valid/best' for different parts of the world.

I think there are some options though:

- add the definition YOU prefer for this specific epsg to your local srs.db in qgis (using for example sqliteadmin)

- it's also possible roll you're own projection for a qgis project isn't it? So you could make some 'template'-project in which you defined the projection with the exact parameters of you preference.

- incorporate ALL available definitions of these multi-paramter-EPSG's and add some interaction with the user to qgis in case there are more definitions available for one EPSG-code. And let the user choose from this list?

by the way: I will try to update the srs.db to match the ones used for proj (so only the ones where there is one set of parameters for one epsg)

Richard Duivenvoorde
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