
Not a cyborg, but I did give up sleep about a month ago ;)

> Carson, I'm one of not numerous, who haven't congratulate you the rate
> creating plugins yet! ;) Are you a cyborg? :D


> The manageR is great, especially after implementing the import of
> but
> has one imperfection. It don't read many layers: with changed names,
> layers and postGIS layers with particular chars in their names.

Hmm, I don't use GRASS a lot, so I didn't implement this, but now that you
mention it, it's probably a good idea. Unfortunately (and again, in this
case I'm stuck with OGR drivers here for now) GRASS layers are read only
AFAIK. So maybe I'll set it up so that you can read them in, and then
export them to one of the other org formats...?
> Isn't possible to find one unified way to load every QGIS data object
> R?
> What about a new R methods for classes from the sp package? I know this
> a
> lot of extra work, when GDAL and OGR providers are already available,
> I
> dream about separation of all processing tools from providers. It's why I'm
> so reluctant to read those raster values via GDAL. It's of course idea
> future, as well as manageR gives great comfort anyway.

This is my dream as well. I don't know C though, so I don't know how I
would write a function to convert say a QgsVectorLayer to a sp
Spatial*DataFrame? Anyone wanna give it a go?

> The second idea is to let load into R only attributes table, like
> spqr
> does it. It is muuuch faster, quite simpler and just sufficient for most

I think this is a very good idea, and I will implement this later tonight.
Look for an updated manageR with an added button to load only attributes.

> Anyway, I'm strongly interested in QGIS statistical features and I'm
> to
> join Bridge Team soon :)

Great! The more the merrier. This is a cool project, and I think it can
really set QGIS apart as an all-in-one spatial analysis solution!

> Cheers,
> Borys
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