> Files/QGIS-Dev/./python/plugins\plugin_installer\unzip.py", line 29, in
> extract
>     os.mkdir(dir)
> WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified:
> u'C:/Documents and Settings/Tara/.qgis/python/plugins'

> Any suggestions?

It looks like my terrible oversight. Could you chek if the
  C:/Documents and Settings/Tara/.qgis/python/plugins
or at least the
  C:/Documents and Settings/Tara/.qgis/python
directory is present in your system?

Btw. Note that the Geoprocessing (and also most other plugins from the main 
repo) doesn't work with qgis 1.0. Only few ones do (Scattergram, ValueTool 
and probably one more)
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