On Nov 14, 2008, at 3:58 PM, Martin Dobias wrote:

libqgispython is meant to be loaded dynamically by QGIS application on
startup. All python-related implementation is in this library, the
rest of application is "python-free", i.e. it doesn't use any
functions directly from python libs.

libqgispython is not meant to be used by anything else than QGIS
application itself.

So now the question is (and something I've wondered about) - just how does this python support work? Does it execute the python program (as found in the user's PATH)? Does it depend on linking to the python library to find some python start/init symbol?

I'm guessing it runs or loads the python executable, because of the problems we're having when other python binaries are found before the one used to build Qgis. If this is the case, we just need to depend on the run/load of python to link in the python library, and libqgispython itself doesn't need to link directly to python.

William Kyngesburye <kyngchaos*at*kyngchaos*dot*com>

"History is an illusion caused by the passage of time, and time is an illusion caused by the passage of history."

- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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