Hi Nikos,
Concerning my bachelor thesis in geoinformatics I am thinking about
developing a useful plugin for QGIS.
Using QGIS quiet frequently, I was not missing a feature so far, but maybe
anyone of you can imagine a missing functionality!?
I appreciate all kinds of suggestions or any idea that could help.

Best regards,

1. Smart labeling engine
I think this is in the works to some degree...
2. A tool that creates as many new vector maps as the number of areas
(=closed polygons) in a given vector map. For example, I have a map with
with 10 digitised lakes. For some reason I would like a new map for each
lake without going through a "select+save as" process for each lake.
By vector map do you mean vector layer? If so, then fTools has this functionality already, using the 'split vector layer tool' under 'data management'.


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