...and would be so nice having a GUI in QGIS for gdal_rasterize and the rest of
gdal utilities!


Jamie Adams wrote:
You could create a polygon in qgis (or some automated way), find an unused pixel value in the chart, and then use gdal_rasterize -i to burn it into the collar area. You can then use that as the transparency value.

On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 3:32 PM, Chris h <chris...@magma.ca <mailto:chris...@magma.ca>> wrote:

    On Wednesday 18 March 2009 16:07:18 MS wrote:
    > I realize this goes into other software on a qgis list, but I wonder
    > with GDAL or GRASS one can accomplish this.
    > It is really a raster clip that would work well, especially if the
    > next step is mosaic'ing the rasters.  Are these quad ma

    The charts are NOAA BSB rasters.

    Posted the same questions to the grass list and the response was
    >> WIth r.in.poly you could "digitize" the area of interest, then use
    >> r.mask to remove the outside area, then r.patch everything.
    >> With a small script you could generate the ASCII polygon file
    >> for r.in.poly based on the map extent.

    Standalone gdal will not do it, especially if you want to automate
    the process
    and have concerns with the osmerander bug which in a marine charting
    environment could be rather interesting. The charts will in fact
    be tiled and
    made available via mapserver wms.

    The only issue for me is that I must learn each step with each
    Hence I went the easy route first to see what can be done with qgis.

    There is a very good new program out for creating tiles,
    maptiler.org <http://maptiler.org> and need
    to see and learn if the datum and projection can be changed. Its
    basically a
    front end to galtiler.

    Thanks for all the suggestions.

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