
Carson Farmer ha scritto:
This might have something to do with the fact that rgdal is often installed in a separate directory than other R packages (because it depends on proj4 and gdal/ogr. When trying to load the library in manageR, try specifying the lib.loc or libpath parameter(s), you will have to figure out where these packages are installed first, as I do not have a Windows machine to check this on. If this doesn't work, please let me know, and I'll try to think of something else...

lib.loc: a character vector describing the location of R library trees
         to search through, or 'NULL'.  The default value of 'NULL'
         corresponds to all libraries currently known. Non-existent
         library trees are silently ignored.

libpath: a character string giving the complete path to the package.
in Windows all packages (included rgdal) are installed in C:\Programmi\R\R-2.7.0\library\. I tried to set lib.loc and libpath but without good results. I don't know if I made some errors with paths, but I tried numerous ones...
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