On Apr 17, 2009, at 2:09 PM, Peter Willis wrote:

Is there any way to use HTTP basic auth with QGIS WMS?
Currently there is no support for this but its something a few people
have requested now. I recommend adding an enhancement ticket to trac and
we will hopefully add support for this in the near future.

Is there already a ticket for this in track?
Does the priority increase as more people ask
for a specific feature?

This is already being worked on -- https://trac.osgeo.org/qgis/ticket/1603

As a note; uDig handles WMS behind basic auth.
You may want to peruse their source code before
reinventing. Of course, they are programming in java
so it's difficult to tell how much of the basic auth
is being handled directly by java as opposed to
the actual program handling it directly.

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