Fafner wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm wondering if there are any open source mobile GIS available for
> pocketpc. I'm running a HP Ipaq hw6515 with windows mobile 2003, and for now
> I use ESRI Arcpad, but I would like to replace it with some open software.
> I have found a homepage on GRASS GIS on Handhelds
> http://grass.itc.it/platforms/grasshandheld.html
> but the info looks to be 5 years old so I wonder if there are any more
> recent developments. Also, does any one know if this old Mobile GRASS
> combined with familiar Linux would run on a hw6515?
> Apart from an arcpad replacement I'm looking for some open source geotag app
> to run on the Ipaq. The idea is to collect gps positions on the Ipaq, to tag
> photos taken by my digital camera (Nikon).
> thanx / Fafner

Yes, there's a gvsig mobile, but it requires Java which your HP might
already have but is otherwise a hassle to get a hold of if your device
didn't come with it.

As for geotag, I've had decent luck writing python applications on that
version of PPC including grabbing NMEA strings from a connected GPS.
Combined with the PIL package for python you should be able to make a
simple geotag app. I don't know of one out of the box. You can get all
my code from
It's sounds like you just need a GPS logger and will tag the photos back
on the desktop. If that's the case there are lots of applications for
that like digikam.


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