On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 3:15 PM, Andreas Neumann<a.neum...@carto.net> wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Thank you for this very useful plugin. It feels to me a bit like
> ArcCatalogue in the ESRI world.
> I have two smaller request if it would be possible:
> For the map preview - could you re-use the QGIS-settings from the options
> dialogue regarding:
> a) mouse wheel behavior/zooming and
> b) antialiasing setting
> I don't know if a python plugin can read out these settings? It would be
> cool if the user would "feel at home" by getting the same as setting as in
> regular QGIS.

Hi Andreas,

that's a good idea, implemented in v0.5.2. Antialiased map looks much better :)

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