I have the same problem. Also tried using Proprerties->Symbology->Legend
Type->graduated symbol and as soon as I click "Apply" qGIS crashes.

Anyone else having this problem? I remember trying the same on OS-X Leopard
and getting beautiful maps :->


On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 5:52 PM, Giovanni Manghi

> > I'm trying to get a choropleth (coloured map where the scale
> > represents different values of a variable in the .dbf) out of a
> > shapefile in qGIS 1.0.2 by using Proprerties->Symbology->Legend
> > Type->Continuous colour but, when I click on apply, it crashes. I'm on
> > Ubuntu 9.04.
> >
> > Any thoughts and tips will be greatly appreciated since I don't have
> > other OS available right now.
> Hi,
> upgrade to 1.3, since 1.0.x have been applied many bug fixes, including
> symbology.
> cheers
> -- Giovanni --

Daniel Arribas-Bel
Url: darribas.org
Mail: darri...@unizar.es

Department of Economic Analysis
Universidad de Zaragoza (www.unizar.es)

GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation (geodacenter.asu.edu)
Arizona State University (USA)
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