
Just a quick note to let you now this morning, after the mail thread, I did
the following:

   1. sudo apt-get purge qgis*
   2. Add 'deb 
   and comment out all the other qgis repos
   3. install qgis via Synaptic

And I'm now getting beautiful maps again using Symbology :)

Thank you all very much,


On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Lionel Roubeyrie

> Two weeks ago, on a fresh Jaunty install (not upgrading, but a totally new
> installation after a disk formating), the recommanded PPA (
> http://ppa.launchpad.net/qgis/unstable/ubuntu jaunty main) returned the
> 1.5 version, and by the way qgis crashed when changing symbology type. I had
> to make an apt-get purge qgis* and switch to the ubuntugis repository to
> have a stable qgis with libgdal1.6...
> Micha Silver a écrit :
>> Lionel Roubeyrie wrote:
>>> Jürgen,
>>> Hmm, maybe the download page on the website should be updated because it
>>> is the recommanded PPA...
>>> Cheers
>>>  Do I understand correctly that the regular apt repo (not ubuntugis)
>> listed on the qgis site:
>> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/qgis/unstable/ubuntu jaunty main deb-src
>> http://ppa.launchpad.net/qgis/unstable/ubuntu jaunty main
>> gives you incompatible packages (gdal 1.5 with qgis needing gdal 1.6) ???
>>  Jürgen E. Fischer a écrit :
>>>> Hi Agus,
>>>> On Thu, 08. Oct 2009 at 09:09:06 +0200, Agustin Lobo wrote:
>>>>> Which ppa do you refer to?  There are 4 ppa repositories
>>>>> with qgis binaries:
>>>>> http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntugis/ubuntugis-unstable/ubuntu
>>>>> http://ppa.launchpad.net/jef-norbit/qgis-unstable-ubuntugis-jef/ubuntu
>>>> The latter shouldn't be use.  It's only use to build packages that are
>>>> later
>>>> copied to the first one.
>>>> Jürgen
> --
> Lionel Roubeyrie - lroubey...@limair.asso.fr
> Chargé d'études et de maintenance
> LIMAIR - la Surveillance de l'Air en Limousin
> http://www.limair.asso.fr
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Daniel Arribas-Bel
Url: darribas.org
Mail: darri...@unizar.es

Department of Economic Analysis
Universidad de Zaragoza (www.unizar.es)

GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation (geodacenter.asu.edu)
Arizona State University (USA)
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