This is a re-transmission with a PROPER subject line, sorry about that.

Thanks so much for the improvements, the GUI looks fine to me! v0.5 looks to be much closer to what I was looking for when I initially raised the question about v0.3 getting repaired. With some 3000+ land parcels to enter, I am looking forward to being able to use this plugin. I am particularly glad to see the addition of the 'next vertex' fields.

Unfortunately using qGIS 1.4 TRUNK, the main map area of qGIS goes blank and everything freezes when I click the 'Draw' button. Should I revert to an earlier version?

My boundaries of my polygon are:
349.95ft @ N 3d 34' 08" W
1133.93ft @ S 89d 58' 43" E
297.15ft @ S 23d 39' 02" E
1229.25ft @ S 89d 25' 19" E

FYI, my general location is Maine USA (Extreme North East)
layer CRS is EPSG=4326 (WGS84 lat/lon)
project CRS is EPSG=26919 (NAD87/UTM feet)

Also the 'capture from Map' button in the 'next vertex' area does not seem to do anything. I assume the idea is to compute the azimuth and distance from the captured coordinates, but nothing happens.

Thanks again for your work.

Fred LaPlante
Responding to some usefull ideas, here are the changes for version 0.5:
Some GUI changes (trying to make it a little bit easier for the user to
understand). I accept any sugestions on this as i'm a terrible gui designer.
Implemented the Import list feature.
Implemented snap on vertexes based on project settings.
Implemented degree minutes and seconds recognition (but attention, the code
tries to strip anything other than the numbers, so probably it's not working
with DMS decimals. Still to improve.)
Fixed zoom bug.
Thanks for the tips and I hope you like this new version. It's getting
closer to what I had in mind when I started.
MaurĂ­cio de Paulo

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