Declan Troy wrote:
Hey Richard,

Thanks for the response. Indeed fTools was the first place I looked as it seemed the type of functionality that might be there. Perhaps some day, or maybe in the rumored Ecological toolbox?

Seemed like the type of operation that many users might have cause to use so I was hoping there was an easy way I was just overlooking but perhaps I misjudged. Once I get around to learning to write python plugins this should be a nice project to start on. Until then I can do this outside of QGIS, I'm just periodically attempting to see how far I can get in the hopes of shifting over. Each version keeps getting better.

He Declan,

actually I know somebody who wants to learn to program python plugins. If you sent us some example data, maybe it's a nice project for them to do some prototyping? Which maybe can be ported into ftools then :-)
No promising, but ...


Richard Duivenvoorde
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