I have a project I need to share with people using Mac SnowLeopard and I run
Windows XP Pro.   I've just downloaded QGIS v 1.3 (Mimas) after reading this
version supports relative paths in projects.  I went into project properties
and unchecked "Save Absolute Paths".  However, when my end users attempt to
open the project QGIS can't find any of the data.  I'm starting out with
just two layers (shapefiles) alongside the qgis project file all stored in a
single folder named test.


Should this be working?  Is there a way to share projects between windows
and Mac's?






Kurt Menke, GISP

Bird's Eye View 

 <http://www.birdseyeviewgis.com/> www.BirdsEyeViewGIS.com 

Work: 505-265-0243

Cell: 505-362-1776



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