I've tried to install pyparsing but the installation complains that there is
no python
in the registry and cannot browse to the python directory. I assume that
has been installed by the windows standalone qgis installer (am I wrong?),
so what
can a "regular" user of the windows qgis do to use RasterCalc (in addition
to switch
to the osgeo4w version)? I'm trying to clarify the simplest method for


2010/1/22 Alexander Bruy <>

> Hi Agustin,
> thanks for your interest and feedback
> 2010/1/22 Agustin Lobo <>:
> > 1. Resulting raster is loaded in qgis as name.tif instead as name as
> usual.
> > 2. If name.tif is selected for processing, you get a syntax error
> > 3. If name.tif is renamed to name in the Layers list, the syntax error
> goes
> > away.
> I'll fix all this issues tonight
> > 4. Could you include a round() function?
> > 5. In general, could you include all functions required to match
> > r.mapcalc functionality?
> Ok, I'll try to include round() function ASAP.
> About r.mapcalc functionality. We plan to improve plugin in future,
> but unfortunatelly now I haven't much time (need to complete one project).
> As result I can't say how quick I can add this stuff. I'll add your request
> to
> the TODO and implement it later.
> > On Win XP (Standalone):
> > 1.The plugin gets installed but cannot be run: "Couldn't import Python
> > module 'pyparsing'. Without it you won't be able to run RasterCalc"
> > Does this mean that RasterCalc can be run from the Osgeo4w version
> > only? If this is the case, this notice should be issued at installing
> > the plugin. And, most important, will we have RasterCalc working for
> > the Standalone version soon? (I'm interested on using it for a course).
> RasterCalc should work with both QGIS, standalone and Osgeo4w if all
> required modules are present. Required modules are: numpy, osgeo.gdal
> (Python bindings to GDAL) and pyparsing.
> As far as I know numpy and Python bindings to GDAL are already present
> in standalone QGIS. So if you want to use RasterCalc with standalone
> QGIS you only need to download and install pyparsing into QGIS python
> folder.
> homepage:
> download page:
> Hope this helps. If you have any other questions feel free to email me.
> Regards
> --
> Alexander Bruy
> mailto:
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