Micha Silver claviota:
Apparently, .ecw files can still not be opened by my qgis (r12681): does
anyone know if there are any plans to try to overcome these issues, in
the future (lobbying with ERMapper, hybrid non-free solutions similar to wifi cards microcodes, for instance, other solutions...)
What linux distro?

Debian squeeze. And a lenny, too.

On ubuntu, using the UbuntuGIS repository, packages have been available for more than a year now. See:

It doesn't work: I'll try to see on the Debian GIS project. If I can't find my way there, I'll add the UbuntuGIS repository to my sources.list.

On others, you'll have to compile the stack yourself. I've done this i.e. on Fedora 12 (and F10 earlier):



PS: sorry, I screwed up again, I replied out of the list...

Pierre Chevalier Géologue EI
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