As far as I'm able to see, RasterCalc is not writing projection information
to geotif files:
I just multiplied by 0 a layer coming form a tif file (test2.tif) and saved
as test2_0.tif This is what gdalinfo reports (note field "projection"):

> GDALinfo("test2.tif")
rows        256
columns     256
bands       1
origin.x        424389
origin.y        4636016
res.x       345.0078
res.y       194.0195
oblique.x   0
oblique.y   0
driver      GTiff
projection  +proj=utm +zone=31 +ellps=intl +units=m +no_defs
file        test2.tif
apparent band summary:
   GDType        Bmin       Bmax
1 Float64 -4294967295 4294967295

> GDALinfo("test2_0.tif")
rows        256
columns     256
bands       1
origin.x        424389
origin.y        4636016
res.x       345.0078
res.y       194.0195
oblique.x   0
oblique.y   0
driver      GTiff
projection  NA
file        test2_0.tif
apparent band summary:
   GDType        Bmin       Bmax
1 Float32 -4294967295 4294967295

Just to let you know!

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