On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 9:49 AM, maning sambale
<emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried adding an area column and used the the Data Processing to
> compute for the area.  Next, I used the versioning table which added
> additional columns id_hist, time_start, time_end
> Now when I tried editing the postgis layer, I cannot save my edits.
> An error report says:
> ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer: "197461.982774913"
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "parcel_stat_calc_area" line 3 at assignment
> Any idea how to solve this?  Totally a newbie with postgis (liking it so far).

Looks like you've set the trigger function for automatic area
calculation to a field with integer type. The returned area is a
double precision number and PostgreSQL obviously doesn't want to cast
it automatically to int.

For an easy solution I would recommend you to change the column from
'int' to 'double precision' type. Just to get rid of the error, you
can delete the trigger function "parcel_stat_calc_area" in postgis
manager - but the areas won't get updated.

Anyway, if there's anyone more PostgreSQL savvy than me, he/she could
advise how tell PostgreSQL to play nicely also with int type, i.e. how
to modify this line:
NEW.id_water := area(NEW.the_geom);

> Another question, I saw this video:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ShYUU-e4JM
> Showing postgis/geoserver edit versioning with history, rollback, etc.
>  Are there plans for a similar QGIS plugin?

I'm not aware of such a plugin (or plans to make it), but definitely
it would be handy.

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