On Sun, 11 Apr 2010, Micha Silver wrote:

Kieron Dunbar wrote:

I tried to import one of the GeoTIFF rasters from
www.ordnancesurvey.gov.uk into QGis, but it seems to ignore the
co-ordinates reported by gdalinfo, as it puts the top left corner at
0,0 with a scale of 1 pixel per unit. Is there a way I can put this
file in the correct position? I haven't used QGis or GDAL before, so I
apologise if I have missed something obvious?

The properties gdalinfo reports are as follows (slightly abbreviated):

Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: 1 250 000 Scale Raster/data/HP.tif
Size is 4000, 4000
Coordinate System is `'
Here's the problem  ^^^^

After unzipping the downloaded file, if you look in the directory "data"
there's another directory "georeferencing files". There you'll find the
*.tfw (world files) for each of the the *tif files. It's strange that
they are delivered in a separate directory. Just copy all the *.tfw
files into the same dir as the *.tif files, and they'll be positioned

Thank you for that. I doubt I'd ever have guessed that a second set of
coordinates would make it work when the first failed.

One additional note: When you load the layers into QGIS, be sure to
choose the "National Grid" as the CRS. That's EPSG:27700.

Thanks. That saved me a bit of searching.

Kieron Dunbar
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