On Wed, 2010-05-12 at 12:11 -0500, mir wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have a list of points in sequence that define a polygon.  This is
> taken from a legal document defining a piece of land.  So far I have
> been able to import this into Qgis as points.  How do I import it as a
> polygon (or convert the points to a polygon?  I have tried to use
> GRASS, importing it as an ASCII file, but I guess I never got the
> ASCII polygon format down.
> I'm sure there must be an asy way.  Help!
> mir

You can use the "Points2One" plugin which makes the task you need.
As input takes a point layer and as output gives a polygon or a
polyline. In your case you can choose polygon.

Be careful with the order of the points, otherwise you might get funny

eg      |1 2|  is fine , but
        |4 3|
        |1 2| will intersect with itself, making two triangles!  
        |3 4|

Ves Nikos

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