during last hackfest has been also made a candidature for Portugal
(Lisbon, served by low cost flight companies). We have already the
interest of a local University to host the event.

Let us know


-- Giovanni --

On Mon, 2010-05-24 at 14:00 +0200, Milena Nowotarska wrote:
> Hi all,
> thinking about the next hackfest we could organize it in Wroclaw,
> Poland, at the University.
> Wroclaw is an old, beautiful city easily accesible by train or plane.
> The venue we propose is Department of Climatology and Atmosphere
> Protection, University of Wroclaw. It is located in the most beautiful
> part of Wroclaw and is freely available from June to September. But
> having in mind Barcelona conference, we think it would be convenient
> to plan the hackfest for begining of July, lets say 2nd-5th of July.
> Let us know if You like the idea, please.
> Paweł Netzel &
> Milena Nowotarska

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