Le 27/05/2010 20:24, Richard Duivenvoorde a écrit :
Hi List,

I think I have a common problem:

I have polygon/area data (in postgis) of let's say countries/cities.

But to visualize it in a WMS with dotted lines, the borders where two
 city polygons overlap/touch you get strange drawing effects because
of the two dotted lines lying over each other.

Now my colleague pointed to OpenJump where you apparently have: Tools
> Edit Geometry > Convert > Extract Common Boundary Between

But off course this is feasible with QGIS also isn't it ?? ;-)

Anybody an idea to handle this?

If not: Carson, is this a new idea for fTools?

TIA, Regards,

The easy path for you to achieve this in QGIS would be to make use of the grass vector format with a correct topology where 2 polygons share their contiguous border.
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