Hello John,

Am 04.09.2010 20:58, schrieb john:
> Hello Gerardo, After seeing how long it takes to load and view a
> large file in qgis 1.5.0  I see the advantage of using smaller excel
> files of one or two degrees lon and lat. Do you know of a quick and
> easy way to join points with attributes of similar values of a txt
> file into polygons?

I do not exactly know what you want:
You simply cannot store polygons in a table. One thing you could think
about: use WKT for the polygon geometry.
Even if you have a bunch of point coordinates with the same attribute
(identifying the polygon) in the table, the order of them would be
important, and each polygon has to start and end within the same point.

Or do you have *corresponding* points for polygons (one point within
polygon)? "Intersection"/"join attributes by location" are your friends.

If you want to join a plain table based on corresponding attributes, you
can use "join attributes" (works only with a layer or dbf so far -> you
could create it from your data).

> Is it easier to do it as a cvs text file in excel
> or once loaded into qgis. Any suggestions will of course be much
> appreciated. thanks, J.R.


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