Hi Noli,

Thanks for your suggestion. I've thought about it but didn't implement it because fTools does it already. So why not viewing the shapefile produced by fTools? Easy and lazy reasoning from my side... Another advantage of first using fTools to produce this info is that the file viewed/edited in the plugin is second generation so that if it gets damaged by the plugin you can safely return to the original file.

BTW please do not save or save as multipolylines shapefiles, the structure would get badly damaged! I'm working on a fix at the moment.


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On 11 Sep 2010, at 3:36, Noli Sicad <nsi...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi Benoit,

I am searching for a plugin that calculates the area and perimeter of
polygons of shapefiles and other vector layers e.g. spatialite

I think there is none at the moment, if I am not mistaken.

However, you can get the area and perimeter of the layer using fTools.

Vector-> Geometry tools -> Export / Add Geometry Columns

The resulting exported shapefile has Area and Perimeter columns in the
attribute table.

Probably it would be good to add this feature - Area and perimeter
calculation in your Shapefile structure viewer and editor plugin.


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