Hi Julian

Yes, at the moment, it is not implemented to have the composer grid in a 
different crs than the map system. Afaik the only possibility now is indeed to 
create a grid shape, reproject and to add the labels manually (which 
unfortunately is not really convenient if you move the print extent often).


Am Montag, 27. September 2010, um 02.20:02 schrieb Julian Burgos:
> Dear QGIS friends,
> It is possible to add a lat/long grid in the print composer if the map is
> in Mercator projection? I know that I can create a vector grid in WGS 84,
> enable 'on the fly' transformation, and change the CRS to WGS 84/Mercator
> 41. But I´m trying to get latitude and longitude values along the margins.
> The grid option in the print composer will create labels in projected
> units. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Julian

Dr. Marco Hugentobler
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