El 01/10/2010, a las 01:39, John C. Tull escribió:

> Hi Sergio,
> I have not used "DEM relief shader", but there is also the "Shaded Relief" 
> plugin.

is the same plugin, it has both names. one in the menus other in the plugin 
(maybe is a translation thing)

> Additionally, a program called SimpleDEMViewer is available on OS X:
> http://www.macupdate.com/info.php/id/20636/simpledemviewer
> For using gdaldem from the Terminal.app, here are some sample commands that I 
> use to generate a color hillshade from gtopo dems:
> gdaldem hillshade gtopo30.tif -z 10 temp.tif
> composite -blend 50 temp.tif temp.tif temp2.tif
> gdal_translate -co compress=lzw temp2.tif western_colorshade.tif
> rm temp*
> This assumes you have a file called 'scale.txt' in the same directory in 
> which you are working. My scale.txt file has the following lines, but you can 
> adjust based on the highest point in your region of interest (heights are in 
> meters here):
> 3500 255 255 255″
> 2500 235 220 175″
> 1500 190 185 135″
> 700 240 250 150″
> 0 50 180 50″
> -32768 200 230 255″
> Regards,
> John

thanks for the tips john
ill try your two suggestions

it has been talked before in the list
but there is also SEXTANTE
a deeper raster analisys library...


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