Jürgen E. Fischer claviota:
Hi Noli,

On Tue, 05. Oct 2010 at 11:58:40 +1100, Noli Sicad wrote:
if you get your own imagery you can easily install a wms server on your
machine and connect to it with qgis.

I don't  think WMS can do offline. This is the weakness of web mapping
services, if I am not mistaken, it piggyback on TC/IP protocol (i.e
without Internet connection is the services useless).

Sure it can.  It requires TCP/IP, but there always is localhost (
So you can run all those services locally without an internet connection.
I think that's what Giovanni meant (ie. install a WMS on the his local
There is an even much simpler solution, a cache that you install on your own machine. I can't remember its name. But sure, it would be helpful for people like Vincent and myself, people who go to work in places where Internet is not even a dream.
I should try to implement it on my laptop.



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