that is my experience with CSW servers too

unfortunately, we cannot solve it from within CSWclient


Вы писали 21 октября 2010 г., 11:58:16:

PC> Il 21/10/2010 09:45, Alexander Bruy ha scritto:
>> No problems, Paolo. This is my work as plugin developer.
>> On the contrary I am thankful for testing.
PC> ...
>> May be you have outdated plugin? Current version is 0.0.8

PC> I always update. However, I think these services may be subject to a number 
PC> transient problems (e.g. the Treviso server does not seem accessible now).
PC> I keep on searching, but I must say it's a frustrating fishing expedition. 
It would
PC> be nice to have at least one reliable server, with downloadable data, WMS, 
PC> and XML.
PC> All the best.

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