Does anyone know if the latest stable Quantum GIS 1.6 supports PostGIS 2.0.0
alpha?  I'm using the Windows stand-alone 1.6, but I could use OSGeo4W if
that would help.   I seem to be able to add layers (I've only tried polygon
vectors), edit attributes, symbolize, a few other things..., but when I try
to identify a feature, I get the following error:

1 cursor states lost.
SQL: declare qgisf7 binary cursor for select
from "public"."geomap10" where "geom" &&
setsrid('BOX3D(179157.8021426403138321 192831.8258949935843702,
179358.5050801725301426 193032.5288325258006807)'::box3d,26957) and
192831.8258949935843702, 179358.5050801725301426
Result: 7 (ERROR:  function intersects(geometry, geometry) does not exist
LINE 1: ...01426 193032.5288325258006807)'::box3d,26957) and intersects...
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need
to add explicit type casts.

Any ideas if this is a QGIS issue?  or GDAL?   or maybe my install of
PostGIS is wrong?   Thanks for your help.

PostGIS 2.0 windows binaries were downloaded from, that were
compiled against Postgres 9.0.1.

- John

John Callahan, Research Scientist
Delaware Geological Survey, University of Delaware
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