Hi all,

I'd like to share something I discovered recently, partially with a hint from Marco, when converting SVG symbols to PDF.

1. SVG symbols in the old symbology are rasterized (that one I knew), but in the new symbology they stay as vectors (that one I didn't know). 2. There is a major bug in the SVG->PDF conversion of SVG point symbols in the new symbology, due to a bug in the underlying qt-classes: path-elements or other other basic geometries are always stroked in the output PDF, unless one explicitly assigns a stroke-width="0"

This violates the SVG standard in two ways:
1. objects aren't stroked in SVG unless explicityl specified with the stroke and stroke-width attributes 2. if one specifies stroke="none" in SVG qt's SVG->PDF converter still strokes the elements until one explictly sets the stroke-width to zero.

This is really annoying as it means I have to go over all of my SVG symbols and add the stroke-width="0" for objects I only want to fill and not stroke.

I just wanted to let you know in case you run into similar issues.


Andreas Neumann
Böschacherstrasse 10A
8624 Grüt (Gossau ZH)
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